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SAS memorabilia from
Peter Middleton's collection
This may relate to when Ian Wellsted trained in the French Alps in January 1945 for operations in Norway together with a Danish SAS member Paul Jensen, To get into shape for Norway the SAS men are helped by French alpine rangers, chasseurs alpins After about a month the SAS skiers were told Norway was no longer a top priority (but Norway will come back on the agenda) and they were sent to Germany to there consitute an advance party with armoured jeeps.
Note: All were Officers except Middleton
Peter mentions how much he enjoyed the training in his letter to his sister below. This also mentions a visit from Montgomery
Mentions a visit from Montgomery
Operation Houndsworth 6/6/1944 - 6/9/1944
(courtesy of Richard Dackcombe)
Peter Middleton is mentioned
Belsen Concentration Camp
Gavin Mortimer (Author) advises
on April 15 1945 a patrol of
1st SAS (T Troop) was the first Allied unit to enter Belsen Concentration Camp. At some point in the next 24 hours
C Troop, 1st SAS visited Belsen
(this included Des Peter Middleton)
Cassini grid system
used on British Military maps,
particularly during World War II
Map of France, Germany, Switzerland
German map
Map of Cyrenaica
Zones of France
2nd edition
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